Can Modern Education be called Wholesome?

Education is just not about making us economically independent but in shaping us become better individuals with strong character. We sure are acquiring skills to make advanced machines which are fetching us more money but living without a moral code.

A recent research of the NCRB report reveals that 81% of literate committed suicide compared to 19% of illiterate people. What good is our education when most educated end their lives in a bitter way?

If we question what has education bestowed us with, we might really not have an answer.

  • Has it made us a sensible person?
  • Did it give us the flexibility to manoeuvre comfortably in a stressful phase?
  • Had it made us powerful enough to control our emotions?
  • Did it make us passionate about driving the change we would like to see in the society?
  • Had it contributed to strengthening our resolve?

What can we expect from our youngsters with such education system? Look how ugly the JNU controversy is shaping our Nations image to the World. Our youngsters unsure how to identify good leaders and who to follow. The schools and colleges which were to impart knowledge and sharpen our faculties in making better decisions are just doing the opposite.

Modern education has become the breeding grounds to spread hatred. We are on the path to self-negation and every expression of our self-expansion is repressed. Until the system changes, we cannot hope to create good leaders. Let us hope and keep faith in our system to realise the drawbacks and bring back the education we once had.

Published by

Sumi Nath

I strongly believe in the maxim 'I am what I think'. A Business degree holder taught to pose 'What's In It For Me?', is now seeking to understand the Real Self. My journey is what you will read here.

3 thoughts on “Can Modern Education be called Wholesome?”

  1. This is also a great post that’s well written and treats the subject with honesty and objectivity. Let’s look forward to the dawning of needed reform while cherishing and benefitting from the good we have.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Edward.I honestly hope the present educational system will change for better..
      I loved your posts,specially the post on ‘Giving personal support’. Will surely come back for more 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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