Do you Believe in KARMA?

I just looked up on Karma on Google and was astonished to see many forms of karma, interesting few that met my eyes πŸ˜‰
Fanpage karma, Social Media Karma, Page Karma, Campus Karma and many more-phew- let me stop thereCEQUySQWEAIy6vJ.jpg

We see a lot of quotes on social media and below are the posts on Karma that I see most often.



What is this Karma and Who does it?
Does it apply to us?
How can we get out of it?
How do we know what is good karma?
Good and Bad is so subjective, what is right according to Karma?
Who is responsible for this Karma phenomenon?
Is it God, then isn’t he partial because we see bad people enjoying good karma?
What all falls under the purview of karma?




Published by

Sumi Nath

I strongly believe in the maxim 'I am what I think'. A Business degree holder taught to pose 'What's In It For Me?', is now seeking to understand the Real Self. My journey is what you will read here.

6 thoughts on “Do you Believe in KARMA?”

  1. Karma is to mind one’s own business and introspect to know more about the Self and expand the consciousness to learn about the eternal answer of existence. Well, waiting for Karma to be in action to defeat our adversaries is also negative Karma. And the eternal debate (Good vs Bad) without any logical answer till today, there’s no need to differentiate, let people indulge in the actions they wish to and the consequences will be the answer. Every action has a consequence. Let’s simplify life and pray for the well-being of all Life.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi I’m not into the Gita but do believe in Karma. I like the humouristic little posters that simplify – and mislead – but can make some people seek out meanings πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  2. If you realise one consciousness you find you are no longer attached to
    The karma based
    On previous actions. Even when seen as negative by others you are dispassionate about it .
    I don’t like to use
    Good or bad karma because all are lessons. We are not here to judge other people’s karma- judging itself has
    Karmic value.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yeah..mano vaak kaya karma is what Gita says..everything through these 3 faculties has karmic value attached to it..thank you for sharing your views πŸ™‚


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