Well, I am. Thoughts or otherwise

Was watching this old movie of Image entertainment..has anyone noticed their logo?(don’t fret if you haven’t, even the mate sitting next didn’t think much of it)

However, it was interesting(for the mind, just to be precise).. presenting you the weirdest explanation which even the organisation might not have thought about when creating their logo..it is that weird😉

The excuse for this thought is that a mind sees what it sees, hoping you’ll bite..

Also, let me present you with this disclaimer before we go forward..a thought is a thought, however brilliant or vague, or spiritual or otherwise, it is still a thought. You are witnessing your thoughts, you are not the thought nor the mind. And of course, it goes without saying you are not the body either

It is important to remember this.. infact we watch our thoughts so to confirm that we exist all through even when there is none. Also, these thoughts float in us and disappear in the us. And they have no power on us.

Easy to say, you may think but truly acceptance of the fact that these are the instruments at work is the only way out. You are just a witness and not the actor.

In the process, we also observe that the thoughts are not independent but are dependent on the ‘I’ for their existence

And thank God, these thoughts exist and this is where the logo part of it comes into play..

If not for that drop, we wouldn’t have ever noticed the placid lake beneath. Likewise, if not for the thoughts, we would have never found our real self. It would have stayed as is, as in deep 😴.

Remember: our self is not an object to be observed. It is the I . It reveals itself when the thoughts subside for the moment.

Anyhow, the idea is not to pursue the thoughtless state because that is not the goal nor is it going to get us being our self( my teacher warns)

Also, the self remains untouched all through, thoughts or otherwise..have you noticed? So the thoughts are harmless and a friend to the one who is trying to seek his real self.

But getting entangled in the thoughts is not what a seeker ought to do..when the seeker finds out for himself that he is a witnesser/subject and not the witnessed/object then he stays a witnesser for life.

Being mindful once seemed like a pain, much like a conscious work but now it is not all that difficult. The mind willingly gives to it.

I still keep a close watch as I witness my mind, at times, being on an overdrive when the thoughts are around the self. The mind conveniently forgets that the spiritual thoughts are also thoughts; the proof to that is this blog post😄

Happy witnessing, you guys..have fun